Xavier Amador, Esports Internacionals Relationships director, and Franco Ascani, president of the FICTS, were the persons who gave the Àmfora Ciutat de Barcelona to the best film in the 6th edition of the BCN Sports Film Festival to ‘VALLEY UPRISING’, a documentary by Nick Rosen and Peter Mortimer. A production by Zachary Barr. The greatest untold story of American counter-culture is that of the Yosemite Valley rock climbers. For fifty years, Yosemite’s massive cliffs have drawn explorers and madmen to leave materialism behind and venture into the high, lonesome granite.

The special award of the jury – composed by Albert Font, Áreadaptada’s director; João Garção Borges, Director; Ferran Martínez, athlete; Bibiana Schönhöfer, actress and Mª Encarnació Soler, membre of CINEMA-RESCAT – was for the movie BAGHDAD MESSI (Belgium, 2013) of Sahim Omar Kalifa. A production of Hendrik Verthé.

Collects the award Paul Van Den Broeck, member of Belgium Consulate.

Award for best production of Catalonia

GLANCE UP (Catalonia, 2014) of Enric Ribes Reig and Oriol Martínez Domíngue. A production by Oriol Gispert Lafuente

 Isabel Bosch, membre of TV3 gave the award to Oriol Gispert, Enric Ribes, Oriol Martinez and Joan Pahisa.

Award for best documentary production

HUBERT LE BLONEN AZKEN HEGALDIA (Basque Country, 2014) by Koldo Almandoz. A production by Marian Fernández Pascal (Txintxua Films). 

 Barbara Destefanis, gave the award to Jon Herraz

Award for best fiction film

SATURDAY (United Kingdom, 2015) by Mike Forshaw. A production by Jessica Levick.

Rosa Salguero, Torrebarrina’s coordinator manager gaves de award to Esther Calatayud, responsible of sales of DSI by Inverleigh..

Award for best short film – TARRAGONA 2017

I LOVE HOOLIGANS (Netherlands and Belgium, 2013) by Jan-Dirk Bouw. A production by Eric Goossens, Anton Roebben, Marc Thelosen and Koert Davidse.

Ramón Pallejá, Tarragona 2017’s member gave the award to Mikkel Keldorf

Award for best animated film

BEACH FLAGS (France, 2014) by Sarah Saidan.A production by Ron Dyens.

Heloïse Martín, member of the French institute of Barcelona gave the award to Bibiana Schönhöfer, actress.

Award for best film of adventure sports – ÁLVARO BULTÓ

DRAWN (United States, 2014) by Jeremy Collins. A production by Ron James Q. Martin.

Xavier Amador and Patricio Bultó gave the award to Mónica Ahanonu. 

Award for the best film about Solidarity and Sport

MOET JE HOREN! HEAR THIS  (Netherlands, 2013) by Soulaima El Khaldi.

A production by Jo Lamers

Juli Pernas gave the award to Merja Ritola

 Award for the best journalist film

STILL RUNNING (South Africa, 2014) by Wayne de Lange. A production by Ariane Questiaux.

Aarne Norberg, director de Cyclisten gave the award.

Award for the Best Sport Advertising:

AFTERGLOW (United States and Canada, 2014) by Nick Waggoner and Mike Brown. A production by Zac Ramras and Mike Brown.

Ferrán Martín, athete, gave the award to Franco Ascani, FICTS’ president

Award FILMETS Badalona Film Festival for human values ​​and Sports

BEACH FLAGS  (France, 2014) by Sarah Saidan. A production by Ron Dyens

 Agustí Argelich gave the award to Azahara Moyano, actress. 

Jordi Robirosa was the emcee of this 6th edition.

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