The close relationship between manganime and sport in Japan
Date: 8th November
Time: from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Face-to-face: Auditorium Museu Olímpic i de l'Esport
Talk-Colloquium with Oriol Estrada Rangil
Oriol Estrada Rangil (Mataró, 1980). Cofounder of Espai Daruma, and author of books such as Cultura Manga, 501 mangas que leer en español or Songokumanía: El Big Bang del Manga, among others.
Better known in networks as @capitanurias.
This colloquium is organized by the Consulate General of Japan in Barcelona and Barcelona Olympic Foundation.
⊗Live Streaming – Registration ⇒
The session will be participatory; you can make your contributions and questions through the chat enabled on the YouTube channel.
⊗Face-to-face meeting with reduced capacity, essential invitation.- Registration ⇒
The maximum capacity is 60 attendees once this capacity is reached will be placed on the waiting list. Places will be notified by an invitation via email.