Marfil Santa Coloma, the longest-standing club in the futsal league, celebrates its 40th anniversary.

To mark the event, Technical Director Juan Carlos León, Coach Xavier Passrrius, and the 3 captains: Rubén González, Albert Segura and Daniel Salgado, visited the Olympic and Sport Museum to talk to Museum Director Juli Pernas.

The 5 representatives of Santa Coloma donated a shirt and pennant commemorating the 40th anniversary and the official league ball. Meanwhile, Dani Salgado, the best pivot in the LNFS and the top scorer in the last two seasons, gave a pair of his personalised boots. The donations will be included among the Olympic and Sport Museum’s collection of exhibits, launching a new section dedicated to the sport.

 The Marfil club was founded in 1975 by Vicenç Garcia, the current President, and originally went by the name of Industrias García.

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