XI Barcelona Olympic Foundation International Art on Paper Award

From 23/01/2023 to 02/07/2023
Temporary Exposition Room

2023 saw the eleventh edition of the International Art on Paper Award Fundació Barcelona Olímpica, organized since 2010 by the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica. This edition an Art on Skate Special Award has been added.

The Fundació Barcelona Olímpica is firmly committed to keeping the link between art and sport more alive than ever. Once again, this is demonstrated by the number of entries.

The temporary exhibition hall of the Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Museum once again the venue for the works in this year’s edition, both winners and finalists. Their selection was according to the criteria and assessments of members of the jury.

As always, the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica continues to work to stimulate and encourage creative art taking sport as its central theme and to carry on exploring the host of possibilities to inspire the latent talent in this genre.

The exhibition is free with entrance to the museum


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