The multinational Ernst and Young, company Big4 hold their training sessions at the Museu Olímpic of Barcelona

In order to update its team on the “audit of the future” Ernst & Young have held a two-day conference for executives of their company. Ernst & Young, known as EY, is a multinational company and one of the most important professional services firms in the world, including auditing, taxes, finance, accounting, legal advice, calculation […]
The Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport has obtained the Quality Label of Pedagogical Innovation awarded by the CIP

The Pedagogical Innovation Council (CIP) is an educating agent of the city of Barcelona, formed by entities that are part of the school community of educators of Barcelona. The educational range that we cover at the Olympic Museum
30 years since the inauguration of the Barcelona ’92 Olympic Games, a historic commemoration

All day today – July 25th – citizens, tourists, volunteers and the media have paraded in front of the Barcelona Olympic Museum to relive the Barcelona Olympic Games next to the icon par excellence of the Games, ” Cobi”, the mascot.
NCAA Basketball players visit Barcelona

Players from the American university basketball league, the USA East Cost All Stars, along with their coaching staff, are visiting Barcelona these days to play in the 36th edition of the Sant Julià de Vilatorta Basketball Tournament. They have visited the Olympic facilities and have recalled, on this 30th anniversary, the Dream Team’s time at […]
The Union of Sports of Catalonia is born, The Union of Sports Councils of Catalonia and the Union of Sports Federations of Catalonia sign the agreement for the creation of this new entity

AFYDAD, the Spanish Association of manufacturers and distributors of sporting goods, has presented the 2021 market study of the sports sector.

In a networking day for companies in the sports sector motivated by AFYDAD, Susana Closa, manager of the Barcelona Sports Institute, welcomed it at the Olympic Museum. Jaume Ferrer, director of Sportpanel, has presented the results of the exhaustive study carried out on the current situation of the market of the sporting articles, his evolution […]
“Què t’hi jugues!” of the Cadena Ser Catalunya commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Barcelona ’92 Games.

For two hours, at the Museu Olímpic de Barcelona, we have relived some of the best moments of the Barcelona Olympic and Paralympic Games. A full auditorium that with nostalgia have wanted to remember some of the most significant anecdotes and moments of that summer of 92. YOUTUBE
The “Sports and Gender Governance Measure” has been presented at the Barcelona Olympic Museum

The measure includes 6 main axes and 52 specific actions that the Institut Barcelona Esports will carry out over the next three years. The main goals are to introduce the gender perspective; encourage women’s participation and visibility in sports practice and management, and ensure fully egalitarian events. Mesura de Govern Esport i Gènere
Sustainability in sport events

The conference “Sustainable Development and Sport. Sustainability in sport events” of the conference cycle “The value of sport in the 21st century” has been carried out via Streaming in the facilities of the Olympic Museum and has been broadcast through the website and the YouTube channel of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica-Museu Olímpic where you […]
From 1st to 28th of June on the occasion of the #OrgullosaBCN campaign the Barcelona Olympic Museum proposes the activity “With identity”

During the tour of the Olympic Museum you can discover the stories of 5 professional or high competition athletes. Thanks to the experiences of these athletes you can identify the correct use of terminologies. A correct use of terminologies when identifying sex (biological, meaning, …) is important for the individual, it must be extensible to […]