Joan Manuel Surroca, has published his book “A Blogger’s Olympic Diary

Joan Manuel Surroca, journalist by profession and vocation, has published his book “A Blogger’s Olympic Diary”, in which he sets out thoughts, ideas, stories and anecdotes from the city’s sporting life


Barcelona Olímpica, a platform to access knowledge

Barcelona Olímpica, a platform to access knowledge on the Barcelona’92 Olympic Games and Olympism in the city. The Olympic & Sports Study Center Joan Antoni Samaranch at the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, the Olympic Study Centre at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Municipal Archives of Barcelona have launched Barcelona Olímpica, a project devoted to preserve and disseminate the Olympic and sport memory of the city, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Games.

2012 Sport and Environment conferences

The Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sport Museum was the venue for the 2012 Sport and Environment conferences, on the theme of “sustainability and economics in the administration of major sporting events”


Joel González, Andrea Fuentes and Maria Vasco, ambassadors for the 3rd Intermón Oxfam Trailwalker event

The initiative has not only received support from sportspeople. The journalists Paloma del Río, Director of Sports Programmes at TVE and Arcadi Alibés, sports journalist at TV3, also chose to take part and lend their vocal support to the team project. Francesc Mateu, Managing Director of Intermon, thanked them for their cooperation in a project in which we all have a stake.


History Classroom

The Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Studies Centre begins its programme of activities with the History Classroom. This first session focuses on the Barcelona Olympics. It is now 20 years since Barcelona hosted the 1992 Olympic Games, but its leading lights remember every moment and story as if they had happened yesterday. As Surroca explains, “it is hard to forget a moment like that”, both for those taking part in the roundtable and many of the audience members.


Daniel Sánchez wins the final of the 14th edition of the International City of Barcelona Trophy

Catalonia’s Daniel Sánchez wins the final of the 14th edition of the International City of Barcelona Trophy held on the premises of the Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sport Museum

The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) marked its centenary with the launch of the exhibition “100 Years of Athletics Excellence” at Barcelona’s Olympic Museum.

Maite Fandos, Deputy Mayor for Quality of Life, Equality and Sport at Barcelona City Council, had the task of hosting the event, accompanied by Lamine Diack, President of the IAAF. The ceremony was also attended by such sporting dignitaries as José María Odriozola, President of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation, and Joan Villuendas, President of the Catalan Athletics Federation. Other notable guests included Fermíb Cacho, Valentín Massana and Javier Moracho.


The sports team at radio broadcaster CADENA SER in Catalonia presents its new sporting schedule to an exclusive client group

Javier Mérida, Director of CADENA SER Catalonia and Jaume Serra, Director of Content also for Catalonia, were given the task of overseeing the presentation at the Barcelona Olympic and Sport Museum, accompanied by all the broadcaster’s sports journalists


Rosa Valbuena, from Bilbao, receives the 3rd International Watercolour and Paper Techniques Award.

Josep Lluis Vilaseca, the former Secretary-General for Sport, and Raquel Medina, exhibition curator and jury member, were given the task of handing out the diplomas to the winners.


Maite Fandos, president of Fundació Barcelona Olímpica (Foundation), welcomed the executives to the 7th International Meeting of World Olympic Museums held at the Saló de Cent (meeting room) of the Barcelona City Hall.

The International Meeting of World Olympic Museums is organized annually by the Olympic Museum of Lausanne, in an effort to generate synergies among the various Olympic Museums throughout the world that are members of the Olympic Museum Network, under the sponsorship of the IOC.