The Professional Association of Physical Education and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences Graduates (COPLEFC) presents its new image
Pere Manuel, President of COPLEFC, recalled some of the lines of work initiated by the Board to serve the community, summed up by the catchphrase “Together we will be stronger”.
Presentation of the 4th Inclusion Day
Sports Commissioner David Escudé was in charge of presenting the 4th Inclusion Day, in the presence of the most important Catalan adapted sports federations.
Presentation of a teaching resource on preventing sexual harrassment and abuse in sport
Present on the panel at the ceremony were Laura Pérez Castaño, City Councillor for Feminism and LGTBI, Mercè Jofra, coordinator of sports promotion programmes at the Barcelona Sports Institute (IBE), Estel Crusellas, representative of the Women’s Information and Resources Centre (CIRD), Montserrat Martín, author of the teaching resource, and Josep Maria Castellà, Vice-President of the Unió Esportiva Horta sports club.
Teamwork was the great success of the Barcelona Olympic bid and Games
The round table, consisting of Manuel Fonseca, Secretary General of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), Romà Cuyàs, Secretary of State for Sport, Josep Lluís Vilaseca, Secretary for Sport and Enric Truñó, City Councillor for Sport (all of whom were in post during Barcelona’s bid), with Juli Pernas as moderator, emphasised that the key to success was the commitment of the various sectors involved.
11th Olympic Museums Network General Assembly
The International Meeting of World Olympic Museums is organized annually by the Olympic Museum of Lausanne, in an effort to generate synergies among the various Olympic Museums throughout the world that are members of the Olympic Museum Network, under the sponsorship of the IOC.
The IOC grants a credential to those museums that comply with the established organizational norms, as indicated from Lausanne. The Olympic Museum located in Barcelona, known as Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch, is one of the 27 official museums in the world.
The meeting was held in Nanjing Olympic Museum, People’s Republic of China.
There are still 4 years to go, but the organisers of the Tokyo Olympics are working non-stop in every area to prepare a historic Games
The legacy of Barcelona and its management still arouses interest around the world. For the second time this month the Barcelona Olympic Foundation has received a delegation from the Organising Committee of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Visit from students on the master’s programme in Cultural Heritage Management and Museum Studies at UB
A compulsory subject for the master’s degree programme in Cultural Heritage Management and Museum Studies at the University of Barcelona is a weekly commented visit to museums and cultural centres in the region. The students visit facilities outside the usual range, with managers and technical staff present offering an inside view of the museum’s day-to-day operation and the problems that arise, at first hand.
The Major League Baseball programme arrives in Barcelona
Major League Baseball has joined the Royal Spanish Baseball and Softball Federation in presenting the details of the first MLB Coach Development Program in the country at a press conference.
Catalan referees and judges take centre stage at a session of the History Seminar
The round table, moderated by Jordi Alcover, was made up of Santiago Deo, Hortènsia Graupera, Josep Manuel Cortés and Montserrat Ubia. The journalist Joan Manel Surroca, for his part, presented his book “Àrbitres i Jutges Olímpics Catalans” (“Catalan Olympic Referees and Judges”), which includes the men and women, over 40 of them in all, who have contributed to ensuring fair play at the Olympic Games.