The Closing Ceremony of the BCN Sports Film Festival’s 9th Edition, celebrated in the Olympic and Sports Museum Joan Antoni Samaranch, has been the rallying point between the world of cinema, sports, politics and society.
Soohorang and Bandabi, the Winter Olympics mascots, are now in the Olympic Museum
The Olympic and Paralympic mascots arrived directly from South Korea. Thanks are due to the Organising Committee of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games for donating the official mascots to the Barcelona Olympic Foundation.
Students on the Master’s degree in Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Management at the University of Barcelona visit the Olympic and Sports Museum
A compulsory course in the UB’s Master’s degree in Cultural Heritage Management and Museum Studies is a weekly guided visit to museums and cultural centres in the region. The students visit facilities outside the usual run, accompanied by managers and technical staff who offer a first-person insider’s view of the day-to-day life of the museum, as well as its problems.
Dani Sánchez wins the 19th City of Barcelona International Trophy for Three-Cushion Billiards
Marta Carranza, Commissioner for Sport and President of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation, presented the Barcelona Amphora trophy to this master player.
A museum with an assurance of environmental quality
For the second year the Olympic and Sports Museum has been awarded the environmental quality assurance mark issued by the Catalan Regional Government.
Sport as the best tool for inclusion
Within the framework of International Disability Day, the Sant Pere Claver Foundation, the Catalan Table Tennis Federation, the BCN Sports Association and the Barcelona Olympic Foundation came together to celebrate the inclusion of disabled people through sport.
Everything is ready for the Solidary Christmas of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica 2017 – the 15th of December at 11:00 in the Olympic and Sports Museum
The Fundació Barcelona Olímpica wants to thank the contribution of the sports centers —FC. Barcelona, RC Tennis Barcelona, RC de Polo, Panteres Grogues, Special Olympics, Federació Catalana de Bàdminton, Federació Catalana de Voley and AF. Poble Sec— that will enable the Poble Sec centers —Bona Voluntat en acció, la Fundació Arrels i la Coordinadora d’entitats del Poble Sec— to continue helping and collaborating with the most disadvantaged groups.
Second day of the 12th Olympic Forum: 25th anniversary of Barcelona ’92
The current use of Olympic facilities, tourism as a business opportunity and the future of elite Olympic and Paralympic sport were the subjects of the closing sessions of the 12th Olympic Forum: 25th anniversary of Barcelona ’92.
Pere Miró, Deputy Director General of the IOC, opens the first day of the 12th Olympic Forum marking the 25th anniversary of Barcelona’92
The official welcome was given by David Escudé, President of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation and Barcelona City Council Commissioner for Sport, Jordi Solà, Director of the Catalan National Physical Education Institute (INEF), Gerard Figueras, Secretary General for Sport in Catalonia, Victoria Cabezas, Secretary General of the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), and Gerard Esteva, President of the Catalan Union of Sports Federations (UFEC).
Starting to collect material for the Caring at Christmas campaign at the J. A. Samaranch Olympic and Sports Museum
Caring at Christmas arose from an initiative of the Barcelona Olympic Foundation to be able to work with the most deprived centres in the Poble Sec area. The Foundation asked for contributions from sports organisations in Barcelona, both public and private, and they responded immediately, providing a range of material: equipment, balls, rackets, shirts, etc.