“Zurich Marató Barcelona 2021” Presentation

Presentation of the FAST team, Female Alpine Sky Team

Guillem Salmerón, president of “La Molina Club d’Esports”, has presented together with the athletes Núria Pau and Celia Abas, the team coordinator, Cristian Masdeu and the coaches, Xavi Salarich and Pelayo Abad, the “Fast powered By La Molina Club d’Esports”, the first Spanish private women’s alpine ski team. Present at the event were May Peus, […]

The Barcelona Olympic Museum opens a new exhibition dedicated to snow sports

On the occasion of the presentation of the book ” La historia de los deportes de nieve en España” of the Real Federación Española de Deportes de Invierno, the Olympic Museum has updated the space “Sport in images” where you can enjoy a selection of photographs linked to the history of snow sports in Spain. […]

A Delegation of Education & Sport and Saudi Arabian Federation visits the Olympic Museum.

Francesc Terrón, Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport JA Samaranch Director, has received the delegation composed of members of the Ministry of Education and the Women’s Soccer Team. It is the first time that a Cultural and Sports Delegation from Saudi Arabia made up of women travels abroad. This type of action is an attempt to […]

Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs visits the Olympic and Sports Museum

Francesc Terrón, director of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica, has received Juan Antonio Samaranch, Jr., first vice president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and among the different positions he holds, he stands out as a member of the Board of Olympic Channel Services SA, a delegated member of Broadcast rights and Chairman of the Board […]

“Hang up your Olympic shirt” Family activity

Japan is a country of traditions and customs that have been maintained throughout the centuries. Japanese culture is one of the most anticipated in Western Europe and the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games is a window to the world to understand it. The Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport JA Samaranch will have the temporary exhibition “Tokyo […]

The conference “Sport as a health tool”

The conference “Sport as a health tool. Sport is essential for people’s health” of the conference cycle “The value of sport in the 21st century” has been carried out via Streaming in the facilities of the Olympic Museum and has been broadcast through the website www.museuolimpicbcn.cat and the YouTube channel of the Fundació Barcelona Olímpica, […]

The Mascots of the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games are installed in the Olympic Museum

Soohorang and Bandabi will be at the Barcelona Olympic Museum thanks to the Korean Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Spain.   Soohorang and Bandabi will be at the Olympic Museum as part of the educational workshops for the little ones.    

Final sprint!!

We are on the road to succés. You have to always keep the good practices of this month. The energy marathon, like sport, gives you the habits that are beneficial for everyone. Take care of yourself and your planet!

We reached the equator of the energy marathon.

We went through the half marathon with good feelings, we have dealt with energy efficiency and air Conditioning. This week we Will treat the water and we Will close the marathon with the week of emissions and air quality. We don’t want you to get off the hook, run the energy Marathon with us at […]