The Fortuna is the Olympic Dragon class regatta yacht in which King Juan Carlos of Spain competed in the Munich Olympics of 1972.
A group of businessmen connected with the world of yachting restored it and presented it to His Majesty Juan Carlos at the 50th edition of the Barcelona Boat Show; in turn, the King donated the vessel to the Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Museum.
Next to the Fortuna a new interactive space has been incorporated into the museum aimed at younger visitors, where they can test out their sporting abilities by scaling the climbing wall, launching themselves on the vertical jump or pitting themselves against the Batak, a training machine designed to improve and develop reflexes in sportspeople.
In addition, a new cultural space has been created dedicated to art and film related to sport. A highlight of this area is the space given over to the BCN Sports Film Festival, an international sports-related film and television festival created by the Barcelona Olympic Foundation with the objective of contributing towards the dissemination of sporting values, as well as the Photosport Exhibition, featuring more than 1,750 photographs capturing the most important moments of sporting history.