The second day of the BCN Sports Films has been marked by visiting prisons.

In collaboration with the Department of Justice of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the BCN Sports Film establishes a program of activities in diferents prisons. This year we visited 5 locations among which we highlight the great reception and collaboration in the women's prison of Wad Ras.

The morning session of the Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport, dedicated to the younger audience, remains the star of the festival.

The 2013 swimming World, which this year will host the city of Barcelona, the BCN Sports Film Festival wanted to pay tribute to all water sport lovers. Aigua Planet (World Swimming motto) was the session dedicated to lovers of the underwater world.

To emphasize the participation of professionals in the parallel activities – One to One and Piching Advice -. One of the objectives of the organization of BCN Sports Film Festival is to contribute our bit for the development and promotion of sportive audiovisual industry. The sport and it’s environment is a source of values ​​that have to be promoted for it’s globalization.

Remember that tomorrow at 19:00 h can enjoy the closing of this 4th edition of the BCN Sports Film Festival. Those that can not be closer to the Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch can follow the event through our website:

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